72ct CS


Navels usually have no seeds in them, and are grown through a process called "budding". Seeds of other orange varieties are planted, which produce seedlings. These seedlings are budded with a slip from mature, high-quality navel orange tree. The bud is grafted into the park of the seedling. Eventually, the bud takes hold and becomes a new tree, producing the seedless navel orange variety. This method of propagation is used for all citrus fruits.

If serving cut fruit it is best to eat soon after cutting, or cover and refrigerate until ready to serve, as navel oranges tend to become bitter when cut and exposed to the air for any length of time. To enjoy the juice of navel oranges squeeze just before serving. The juice, too, tends to become bitter if allowed to sit for a prolonged period of time with exposure to the air. If not used right away, cover and refrigerate until served.


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